Oct 24, 2007

Interesting techie stuff

Now all inspired by the Web 2.0 Summit, I've been engrossed in tech reads.. One that I found most interesting was a recent article in Release 2.0 an O'Reilly newsletter zine covering the latest in internet technology about the rise of Facebook and using Facebook as an application platform. You can get an excerpt here. Applications are spreading like wildfire. The popular ones are actually pretty simple applications. The one that claims the most active users (over 2.7 million) is 'Top Friends' which simply places your chosen top friends in a separate widget that allows you to quickly access their profiles/walls on Facebook.

Speaking of sites that offer development platforms, Amazon announced last week that they had 250,000 independent developers on the AWS platform.

Apple seems to have caught on to the swing of things by announcing late last week, that they will also open the iPhone, iTouch platform for developers. It'll be great to see what type of applications I'll be able to get in the near future.

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