Oct 3, 2007

Starbucks premieres celebrity chef blends

Walked into Starbucks this morning for a quick caffeine pick-me-up.. and saw that they had some sort of chocolate cinnamon loaf by Marcus Samuelsson. I was of course lured by my I-have-to-try-everything-atleast-once foodie personality, and I had to try it. If it hadn't been by Marcus Samuelsson, I would've just glossed over it as I do with most of the pastries there. It was yummy - not over the top sweet or anything - but pretty standard Starbucks fare if you ask me. (It tasted a little like there chocolate cream cheese muffin). The foodie in me would've felt guilty if I hadn't tried it.

Here's the press release on Samuelsson's debut pastries and coffee blends at Starbucks.

1 comment:

Holly Golightly said...

oops, i obviously have not perused your blog in quite a while. anyhow, just wanted to say that i'm seeing Marcus Samuelsson everywhere these days! he did a cooking demo at the Starbucks Coffee Festival in Reston not too long ago (and to promote his new book), and I read about him in the Medici Effect, which i was telling you about.